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Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm gonna be a "Soccer Mom"

My 11 yr old is already saying that he doesn't want to play now. He insisted on me paying for it 2 weeks ago.... So....He's gonna have to give it a $55 try.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time for t-ball practice.

My 6 yr old is always stuck to me like glue. I'll take in all the love while I can. In a few years he'll be like my middle schooler and refuse to kiss or hug me good bye when I drop him off at school (even though I know he really wants me to).

Friday, August 13, 2010

No! I don't wanna buy your hand lotion!

Are these people only at my mall? And seriously...didn't he just see that his pal was just asking me "a question" when I was passing by the other side of his booth...? No...I don't want to buy your hand lotion Mall Hand Lotion Kiosk Guy.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Sarcasm Gene

Geraldo Mustache


Lips & Eyes

Knitting? Nope!

Nose Warmer

Did I mention that I'm in a crocheting group?


It's ok. I'll survive.

Wii a Snuggie!

Don't act like you don't do it, too.

Hands Free?

Nothing Wrong With That

I cleaned the bathroom y'all!

Please call ahead for wait times....